WFAA Board of Directors
The Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association is governed by the members of its Board of Directors. Each director holds office for a three-year term and may serve up to four consecutive terms. Ex-officio members include all former, living board chairs.
Board Members
Paul S. Shain - Chair
President and CEO, Singlewire Software

Louis A. Holland - Vice Chair
President, Cumota, LLC

Linda L. Ahlers
Retired President, Marshall Field’s

Rajiv Batra

Michelle A. Behnke
Principal, Michelle Behnke & Associates
Susan J. Cellmer

Suzanne DeWolf
Co-Owner, Lil’ Drug Store Products
Co-Owner, ForeFold Ventures
Jeffrey J. Diermeier
Founder, Canna Investment Management, LLC

Sonnet Edmonds
General Counsel, Dimension Renewable Energy
Susan S. Engeleiter
Data Recognition Corporation

Colleen A. Goggins

Elizabeth Quadracci Harned

Elzie L. Higginbottom

William P. Hsu
Vice President of Operations and Farmer, Hsu’s Ginseng Enterprises, Inc. and Hsu Ginseng Farms, LLP

Cynthia Ihlenfeld
Past Organizations include 3M, Ecolab
Peter S. Kies
Head of Equity Capital Markets, Head of Technology & Services Banking,
Robert W. Baird & Co.

Lorna Nagler
Susan S. Patterson
Senior Vice President/Art Director, J. Walter Thompson

Stephen R. Petersen
Managing Director, Seaward Management

Todd C. Pulvino, Ph.D.
Principal and Co-Founder, CNH Partners
Laureen E. Seeger
Executive Vice President and General Counsel, American Express Company

Michael S. Shannon
KSL Capital Partners

Thomas Stevens
Chair and CEO, Los Angeles Capital Management
Patrick Thiele

James Thompson
Former President, Cargill Steel

Jeffrey D. Wiesner
Retired Partner, Accenture

Ex Officio Members
Paul J. Collins
Ex-Officio Member
Retired Vice Chair, Citigroup

Jere D. Fluno
Ex-Officio Member
Retired Vice Chair, WW Grainger, Inc.

Ted D. Kellner
Ex-Officio Member

John J. Oros
Ex-Officio Member
Managing Director, JC Flowers & Co.

Frances S. Taylor
Ex-Officio Member
Retired, Bank of America